Understanding HVAC Issues

2 Reasons To Make Sure That You Clean Your Air Conditioner’s Filter

One of the most important and most often overlooked home maintenance tasks is replacing or cleaning your air conditioner's filter. Your air conditioner's filter is typically located on the unit itself if you are using a portable unit or near your furnace if you are utilizing a central air system.  The air filter on your air conditioner is designed to filter dust, debris, and other items out of the air that is being drawn into your air conditioner for cooling. Read More 

A Few Reasons To Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced In The Cooler Months

Your air conditioning unit works long and hard during the summer months. There may be times when it is not operating efficiently and you will need to have a technician come look at it. However, if you have it serviced and repaired during the cooler months, you should not have any problems with it when the weather is hot and you need it. Here are a few other advantages to having the air conditioner repaired while it is not being used. Read More 

Ice, Ice Baby! How To Keep Your AC Condenser From Icing Over

Ice can be a very good thing when it's in your drink or being used to soothe a sore muscle -- but there's one place you never want to see ice: on your air conditioning condenser. An iced-over AC unit is very inefficient, if it even switches on at all. The ice forms when the coolness generated by the condensing coils is not effectively transferred to the air blowing through the unit. Read More 

Think Your Frozen AC Is Low On Coolant? Check Your Evaporator Coil For Ice

If your AC keeps freezing up and shutting down, you might think that the appliance is low on coolant. Although low coolant can cause air conditioners to ice over, it isn't always the case. Sometimes, a dirty evaporator coil can be the culprit behind a frozen AC. Here's more information about your frozen air conditioner and tips to fix the issues yourself. Why Is Your AC Really Freezing Up? When most air conditioners freeze up, it's usually one of several problems, including a dirty air filter and low or leaky coolant. Read More 

Addressing Common Concerns About Getting The Most From Your Heating System

Keeping the interior of your house warm on a cold winter day will require the use of a powerful heating system. Unfortunately, the heating system can be one of the easier parts of your home to overlook. If you have found that you are not particularly informed about heating systems, you may need to have the following concerns addressed so that you can get the most from your system. How Can You Improve The Quality Of Air Coming From Your Home? Read More