When To Call The Plumber And Why: The Dos And Don’ts Of Summer-Time Services

What are the top summer-time services that require help from a professional plumber? Before you start the warm weather season off with a botched DIY, take a look at the dos and don'ts of summer plumbing repairs.

Do Check the Exterior Hose Hook-Up

You can't water your garden or fill the paddling pool without an exterior hose hook-up. If the last time you checked it was almost a year ago, make sure that the faucet is still in top working order. Check for signs of corrosion, a loose knob, or a leak. A worn faucet can leak more than 3,000 gallons of water annually, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This can add up to a significantly higher summer-time water bill than what you expected.

If you're not sure what is wrong with the exterior hose hook-up or have no experience replacing faucets, this is a job for a plumbing contractor. The pro can provide the exterior plumbing services necessary to eliminate leaks and make it easier to use the hose or a sprinkler all summer long.

Don't Assume Low Water Pressure Is Normal

The amount of water needed to fill a paddling pool, use an outdoor water slide mat, or constantly clean your child's camp clothes may seem to grow over the course of the summer months. Without the right water pressure level, your hose may struggle to fill the pool, your outdoor summer fun activities could suffer, and your washing machine could leave your kids' clothing dirty and covered with debris.

Low water pressure can happen for a few different reasons. An undetected leak or backup can put a train on the system and lower the force that water comes out of the pipes. Blocked or broken valves, a failing pressure regulator, corroded pipes, and worn fixtures can also cause water pressure problems.

A professional plumber can inspect the system, find the reasons behind the pressure drop, and repair the problem. The specific repair necessary to correct the water pressure issue and restore it to normal depends on the wear or damage. Some problems, such as a broken valve or a failing faucet, may require a replacement service.

Do Clear the Drains

Have summer barbeque and picnic food prep or leftovers from warm weather backyard parties clogged your home's drains? Increased use and a heavier load of debris can create plumbing system clogs and backups.

Before you try to plunge your sink, use a snake, or buy a potentially hazardous chemical drain cleaner, contact a professional. The plumbing contractor can inspect the drain and remove the clog. Not only will this service clear the clog more completely than a DIY method could, but it's also a safer alternative. The plumber has the right tools and knows the best safety protocols to follow when using a power auger or similar drain-cleaning equipment. 

For more info, contact a local company like Countryside.
