FAQs About HVAC Installation And Heating Contractors

What do homeowners need to know about HVAC installation? You're ready to upgrade your home's central system. But you're not sure where to start or what to expect. Take a look at the top questions homeowners have about heating contractors, HVAC systems, and the installation process.

When Should You Install A New HVAC System?

There are multiple ways to answer this question. Each answer depends on your definition of when. If it means, "How long should you wait to replace an older or failing system?", you will need to consider the heater's age, how often you use the system, the overall energy efficiency, and the number, type, and cost of the repairs the system requires.

The average lifespan of a furnace is 15 to 25 years and a boiler can last for 40 years, according to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). A heater that is at the upper edge of its expected lifetime usage is ready for a replacement if it doesn't control the temperature well (heats unevenly), costs more to use than it should, or breaks down often. But you won't necessarily need to replace an older system that is in top working order and is energy efficient.

If you know you need to replace your system and you define when as the time of the year, the date of an HVAC installation depends on how soon you want a new heater unit and the contractor's schedule. It's possible to replace heaters during any season. You don't need to wait until the fall or winter to upgrade your furnace.

Some homeowners prefer an off-season purchase and installation. You may find better non-peak prices and you won't need to freeze in the winter.

Do You Really Need To Hire An HVAC Contractor For A Replacement?

Unless you have extensive training in the HVAC trade, you need to hire a contractor for a new system installation. Heating systems are complex pieces of machinery that require the skills and knowledge of a professional to assess, repair, or install. 

Failure to select the right system, size the system correctly, and install it properly could impact your home's indoor comfort level, decrease the overall energy efficiency, or create a home safety hazard. This could lead to the need for a premature replacement, may cost you in unnecessary services, or even invalidate a manufacturer's warranty. Instead of a DIY installation, choose a qualified professional contractor with years of HVAC experience, extensive heating system knowledge, and top-notch references.
