3 Things An HVAC Contractor Can Do To Prepare Your System For Winter

Waiting till winter to get your HVAC unit ready can inconvenience you because you may be unprepared. The best time to start preparation is during the autumn and summer. This will protect your family from harsh weather conditions because your system will operate efficiently throughout the winter. If you don't want to deal with your heating unit's failure in the most unexpected moments, contact an HVAC contractor. They'll check your unit and ensure it's in tip-top condition to serve your family during the entire chilly season. Keep reading to learn what they'll do to keep your system ready.

Checking Filters

Your unit's filters should be changed regularly to function properly. They may be clogged up with debris and lint, especially if you stay with pets. If this occurs, they'll have to work extra hard to pull in the air. Their condition may worsen if they don't get changed on time. The pressure they're handling could cause them to break down completely. This is not something you want to happen in the middle of the night when the weather is crisp. Luckily you can prevent things from escalating by calling a heating contractor. They'll assess your filters to determine their level of clogging. If they're dirty, they'll change them to promote the circulation of air. As a result, your system won't stall.

Examining the Thermostat

The thermostat should give an accurate reading of the temperature in your home. If it's not, your heating system could be sending mixed signals indicating an underlying issue. A heating contractor can look at your thermostat to find out if it's in good working condition. They may try to set it a few degrees higher than your room's temperature to determine if the heat is kicking on. If it doesn't, they'll fix the malfunctioned parts before winter arrives. If you have an older thermostat, they may recommend upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient model.

Inspecting the Blower Motor

This is one of the most critical components in your heating unit because it's responsible for circulating warm air throughout your home. If it isn't working correctly, your home won't be heated evenly, making some rooms have cold spots. A contractor can get the blower motor cleaned and its bearings lubricated to prepare it for strenuous work during winter.

If you rely on your HVAC system to keep you and your family comfortable throughout the cold season, you should ensure it's tuned up. An HVAC contractor can assess and fix your unit's broken parts, saving you from buying a newer one and paying expensive energy bills.
