Some Of The Lesser-Known Signs You May Need Air Conditioning Repair

One of the most common signs that people notice when their air conditioning system is in need of repairs is an air conditioning unit that is not cooling properly. While this is a telltale sign that you are in need of air conditioning repairs, in many cases, it is not the first sign that repairs were needed. Your air conditioning unit will often give you many signs that something is not right before it stops cooling air completely. Unfortunately, most people are not familiar with those signs and they miss them. Here are some of the lesser-known signs that you may need air conditioning repair.  

You Hear Rattling, Banging, or Clanking Noises

When your air conditioning unit turns on, you may hear a soft humming noise or white noise. This is completely normal. What is not normal is banging, rattling, or clanking noises coming from your air conditioning unit. If your unit turns on and you hear sounds that you have not heard in the past, you should immediately call in an air conditioning repair company to inspect your AC unit. 

You Smell Mildew or Smelly Socks When the Unit Is Operating

Another sign that you may notice if you need AC repair is a mildew-like scent or the scent of stinky gym socks when your air conditioning unit is operating. If you notice either of these scents coming from the vents when your unit is running, something is not right. Most scents are caused by drainage issues. A technician can inspect your air conditioning unit and then make the repairs that are needed to eliminate the scent and ensure your unit will function properly. 

Your Air Conditioning Unit Is Not Properly Cooling Your Home

The final sign that you may experience if you need air conditioning repairs is an air conditioning unit that is not properly cooling your home. You may notice hot spots in your home or it may feel like your unit is running for longer than normal. If your unit is not cooling your home as efficiently as it has in the past, this is a key indicator that something is amiss and needs repair within your air conditioning unit. 

If you notice one or more of these signs, you are in need of air conditioning repair. If you put off the repair, the problem will likely worsen, and before you know it, your unit may not blow out any cool air, leaving you in a hot home. Reach out to an AC repair company as soon as possible if you hear unusual noises coming from your air conditioning unit, notice smelly abnormal smells when the air conditioner is blowing cool air into your home, or feel like your unit is not cooling your home like did in the past. 

Contact a local AC repair service for more information. 
