What You Can Do If Your Air Conditioner Has Stopped Cooling

When your air conditioner is still running, but it doesn't seem to be cooling your house down as it should, it's a problem. It may be one that you cannot handle all the problems on your own. You should hire a professional HVAC company to repair your air conditioner for you. If you have an issue such as this, there are a few things you can do to see if it gets your home to cool properly. Read on for some helpful information.

Hit The Reset Button

Go out to your condensing unit outside and look for the reset button. Hit this reset button and be sure your thermostat is set to cool. Adjust the temperature so it's lower than the temperature inside the house, then listen to see if this turns the air conditioner on properly again and starts to cool. You can feel for cool air to come out of the air vents in your home, or watch the thermostat to see if it changes the temperature inside your home. The reset button differs on location depending on the brand of air conditioner, so if you cannot find it, look online to see where yours may be located.

Adjust Your Thermostat Temperature

If it's an excessively hot day outside, your air conditioner may have a hard time keeping up with the temperature you have set in your home, or you may have it set so it's too warm. Try to lower the thermostat temperature to see if this helps at all. Try and keep your thermostat around 72 degrees, and don't adjust your thermostat more than a few degrees at a time. Setting it to something like 50 degrees is not going to help anything, and your system will not be able to reach this temperature.

Check For A Refrigerant Leak

On your refrigerant line, pour some soapy water on it to see if you get any bubbles coming out from the line. If you see bubbles forming, it is more than likely you have a leak coming from this line. If you don't have any refrigerant in your system, your system will not be able to cool your home properly. Your refrigerant line will need to be replaced and you'll need to have more refrigerant added to your system, which should be done by an HVAC service technician.

If your air conditioner has stopped cooling, you should have an HVAC service company take a look at your system and repair it as needed. Contact an air conditioning service for more information. 
