When Your Furnace Is Getting Old: Deciding On A Repair Or Replacement

The average furnace in a home is going to last anywhere from 15 to 20 years with good maintenance. While you may get a few extra years beyond that from your furnace, one that needs to be repaired all the time that is beyond 15 years old should likely be replaced. A furnace is a big expense, and some homeowners want to keep repairing the existing one to avoid the cost of purchasing a new one. While you can repair your furnace for a number of years, there will come a time when the efficiency of your furnace won't be adequate no matter what you do. Once you start paying too much money to heat your home, it's time for a new furnace.

Pay Attention to Noises

If you hear a banging noise when your furnace turns on, this could be a problem with the fuel supply and the ignition. The banging noise is actually a small explosion, and this issue needs to be addressed right away. If you hear grinding noises, there could be a problem with your ball bearings. Any clanging noises coming from your heating ducts are harmless, and these are typical when air ducts are loose.

Get Your Furnace Serviced

You will  need to get your furnace properly inspected and cleaned at the beginning of the heating season. If your technician suggests a replacement, you can wait and get a second opinion. There are times when your furnace efficiency will be measure and it is too low. When the furnace is old, a replacement will probably be suggested. During the furnace service, the technician will clean the unit and look for any problems that can be fixed.

When Your Heat Isn't Warm Enough

There may come a time that no matter what temperature your thermostat is set at, your home just doesn't get warm enough. This could be an issue with your thermostat, but it is more likely an inefficient furnace if it is an older one. If you have had the thermostat checked and it is working fine, you may need to replace your existing furnace.

As your furnace gets older, it is going to become more expensive to run. Eventually the money you save waiting to purchase a new furnace is going to be less than what you are spending on extra fuel costs. Don't run an inefficient system if you can help it, and get the furnace replaced instead.

Reach out to a furnace repair technician to learn more.
