2 Things You Need to Do to Better Insulate Your House So Your Heater Will Work Better

Now that winter is here, you might be worried that your house is overly cold. It is not uncommon for people to realize just how inefficient their home is at heating until the weather turns brutally cold and they realize they need assistance. What many people don't realize is that their heater may be working fine, but their house may not be properly insulated, so no matter how good the heater works, the house will always be cold. Here are some things you need to know about insulating your house.

1. Check All the Doors for Light and a Breeze

The doors should have something called weatherstripping around them. Weatherstripping helps to keep the air out and hold the cold and hot air in the house. Over time the weatherstripping will become worn and let air pass through. This is a simple and inexpensive fix that can save you tons of money and keep your family cozy.

To determine whether your doors need new weatherstripping, go stand by the door and see whether you can feel a breeze or hear any wheezing. This means that there is air passing by. Also, during the day you might notice sunlight creeping in from the sealing at the door. This is a problem.

2. The Windows Are Cold to the Touch

Windows are another place where you need to make sure the insulation is working well. If when you touch the window, it is reflecting the temperature outside, rather than the temperature of the house, then you have a problem. When the house is built, the windows are placed perfectly in the hole created for the window. If the house settles or the windows weren't properly installed, this could leave space between the window and the house. In addition, windows before less effective over time, so they may be installed right, but the windows need to be replaced.

If you think your window is letting in air, but you cannot afford to change the windows at this time, take Suran wrap and put it around the windows. Use tape to keep the wrap up around the window opening to help seal the air out. This won't look very nice, but it will keep the air from passing through.

If your house isn't properly sealed, it will cause your heater to pump extra hard to maintain a comfortable temperature, thus risking your heater truly breaking and costing you more in your energy bill.

Visit sites like http://pacaire.com to find heating-repair contractors near you.
