Answering Routine Air Conditioner Maintenance Questions

The air conditioning system that works to cool your home is a critical appliance. Yet, it is common for homeowners to have limited knowledge about some of the more routine problems that these units might experience. Being under-informed about these issues can make it difficult to understand the steps for addressing them. By learning the following few questions and answers, it will be far easier for you to make wise choices when it comes to protecting your air conditioning system from some of the more common problems.

How Can You Determine If Your Air Conditioning System Has An Electrical Problem?

Air conditioning systems require large amounts of electricity to function. Unfortunately, it is possible for them to develop disruptive electrical issues as they age. This occurs because the electrical wiring may degrade and start to corrode. Once this damage has occurred, the wiring will be far less efficient at carrying a current.

Sadly, this problem can be difficult to notice until the unit starts to experience performance issues. In particular, noticing that the unit is quickly starting and stopping can be an indication that an electrical problem is present. An experienced air conditioning repair professional will need to inspect the unit to determine if an electrical issue is causing the issues and the steps for repairing the unit.

Why Has Ice Formed Over The Exterior Unit?

You might notice that the exterior unit of your air conditioning system has developed a thick layer of ice. This may seem odd during the hotter times of the year, but it is a fairly routine problem. If the condensation coils are coated with dust, they can prevent condensation from evaporating, which can allow it to freeze. This layer of ice can inhibit the flow of air into the unit as well as potentially causing the coils to rupture. To prevent this issue from returning in the future, you should make it a point to regularly rinse the exterior unit to remove dust that may have accumulated around these components.

What Is The Purpose Of Duct Cleaning?

Depending on the length of time that you live in your home, you may eventually need to have the ducting cleaned. Dust, mold, and pollen can gradually start to accumulate in significant quantities in your ducting. As a result of this, these substances can lower the quality of air inside the home when the air conditioner is running. By hiring professionals to clean your ducting every few years, you can have these materials removed before they have a noticeable impact on your health or comfort.
