Top Signs That Your Furnance Might Be In Trouble

If you want to make sure that your heating system will always remain in the best condition, you need to be aware of the many signs that could indicate that there is trouble. To help you understand when it might be time to call for a HVAC contractor, you will want to take a look at the following points.

You Hear Strange Knocking Sounds

Hearing the occasional noise coming out of the furnace can be a normal thing, especially when it first kicks. However, if you are hearing a lot of loud knocking or banging sounds while it is running, you might have a serious problem on your hands. The sound could be an indication that the motor in the furnace is starting to go bad. You might also have a bad belt in the furnace that is starting to wear thin or it may have already snapped. Either way, the longer you wait to have the problem addressed, the worse the problem may become.

You Smell Something Strange

If you are smelling any sort of odor coming out of your furnace, you will want to immediately turn it off and contact a professional HVAC contractor. It could be anything from bad wiring that is starting to melt to a gas leak if your furnace is fueled by natural gas. The last thing you want is a house fire or carbon monoxide poisoning as both can have deadly outcomes.

Not Much Hot Air Is Coming Out Of The Vents

 If you have noticed that the rooms in your home are not as warm as they should be, you may want to check the heating vents. Should you notice that there i not as much forced air coming through them, you will want to contact an HVAC contractor to assist you. There is a good chance that the motor blower is not working as well as it should or it could have completely stopped working. Then again, there could be a problem with the duct work. If it has become disconnected from the furnace, the hot air will not be able to reach the various rooms in your home.

With those few signs of trouble in mind, you should have a much easier time deciding whether it is time to call in an HVAC contractor like Biggerstaff Plumbing Heating & Air. The sooner you get the professional help that is needed, the less likely it is that you will find yourself without sufficient heat during the cold winter months.
